
This situation refers to a moment, usually psychological, in which an individual comes into maturity. He or she gains a new awareness into the nature of circumstances and problems and understands his or her responsibility for trying to resolve the dilemma. Typically, a hero receives a Calling, a message or signal that he or she must make sacrifices and become responsible for "getting involved" in the problem. Often a hero will deny and question the calling and ultimately, in The Initiation, will accept responsibility.

Being Knighted

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Emily Dickinson Initiation, "Will there Really be a Morning?"

“Will there Really be a Morning” by Emily Dickinson has a lot to do with initiation. One example would be that, she starts to question the morning itself. “Is there such a thing as ‘Day’” she asks. She is starting to think about the everyday things that we all take for granted, therefore initiating herself to a higher level of awareness. Another example would be near the end where Ms. Dickinson begins to take responsibility of what or where this, “Morning” is. She first questions a scholar then a sailor followed by a wise man but to no avail. In this way she has not initiated, as she is not willing to say that perhaps we won’t find out. Or that she should hold on to this question until the time comes that she will receive the answer. “Will there Really be a Morning” shows just how initiation can be projected.

Initiation in the life of Zack

The Initiation, the moment the individual comes maturity, and must except their responsibilities. These are words that should not be thrown around, but I feel as though they they are thrown at me far too often. Teachers and other mentors are always trying to tell us how we are becoming more mature and must have more responsibility. Going into the middle school was supposed to be when be becames "middle-schoolers" and would therefore would go through the initiation to become these bettered individuals. There was, though, no moment, no time where we could say, "Yes I am now a mature person". There was only a brief ceremony at the end of school for the teachers and parents to pat themselves on the back.
The Initiation occurs spontaneously in the everyday moments that quickly become extrodinary and will stay with us for our entire lives. It is when your are six and lose your parents in the store. It is when you flunk a test after not studying. It was when I sat on a rock with numb fingers and the everything infront of me inscutible through the falling snow and warmth was five miles away and I had to accept the pain as my world and know that fighting the pain would only turn it from annoying to dangerous. It was when four boys stood shivering in a lake with me with mix expressions of both awe and apprehension hoping that I could show them how to hold their sagging bodies in the water and swim. The Initiation is when the responsibility is thrust upon you nomatter how you fight it and the only way to master it is to master yourself.

Richard II by William Shakespeare

Richard says that for his entire life death, “the antic sits, / Scoffing his state and grinning at his pomp”. Only when sun starts to set on his life, and Bolingbroke draws near, does he realize that he is not fit to be a king. The Initiation is supposed to be when the protagonist comes into a new level of maturity. King Richard’s monologue in the second scene of the third act is how he voices the way he has matured in the face of crisis and how he now looks at his world. He talks scornfully of his previous self, the monarch, who the death could laugh at. Richard goes on to condemn his fellows for considering him to be something greater than he is. For Richard the Initiation is about coming to grips with his own mortality and being content with this new “mortal” self. He understands that he too “must live with bread” and sees himself as having know write to be called king.

Initiation in Winter Dreams

A man walked through the door
He said the love of my lifes name
I started to cry when he said
what had happened to her
How she faded
How she married off
How she lost everything
How I lost everything
I can never go back anymore
the dream is gone
the gates are closed
the sun has gone down
long ago
There was something in me
but now that thing is gone
That thing is gone
I cannot cry
I cannot care
That thing will never come back
no more

Initiation in My Life- Hannah

There haven't been too many examples of initiation in my life, but one thing I did come up with was my transition from lower school to middle school. In lower school I was really comfortable because we were the rulers of lower school, but when I came into middle school I was honestly terrified. But once I got into the groove of things it really wasn't that bad and I actually started becoming friends with last year's class and doing well in my academics. I think they opened their arms to us because they were in the same position as us and I think I was succeeding in my academics because I was determined. Even though initiation hasn't impacted my life significantly , there have been some times where I realized that people really care and that I am special.

Sonny's Blues Initiation

There are many clear examples of initiation in the short story "Sonny's Blues" by James Baldwin. The most important example was when Sonny was forced to grow up and gain his life back. Sonny,a heroin addict, wasn't really put together and had some really negative things going on in his life and around him. But once he found his love of music, the tables turned. He discovered that music was a good way for him to release the stress he had and express himself. As you can see all negative situations can come out positively as long as you work at it.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Eleanor's Initiation

Even though I have only lived for thirteen years, I feel like I have been initiated a lot. One time I felt initiated was when I moved to the US at age eleven. I felt like that was a new chapter in my book of life, and after going to school there for a while, I feel like I have matured. By meeting new people and learning and being with different types of characters. Another time I was initiated was at the time of the assessment project. After helping out with the little kids every week, writing a ten-paragraph essay in two days as well as making a thought-out presentation I felt like I had realized that there is a lot out there in the world. That it’s not just about me. This leads me to the third initiation. However this is not of me but of the people I helped in assessment. While working as a teacher surrounded by kindergarteners, I felt that every time I went to seem them, at the end they had grown and matured because of the help and effort I put in. This makes me feel good about myself. If after only thirteen years this much has happened I can’t wait for the rest of my life.