
This situation refers to a moment, usually psychological, in which an individual comes into maturity. He or she gains a new awareness into the nature of circumstances and problems and understands his or her responsibility for trying to resolve the dilemma. Typically, a hero receives a Calling, a message or signal that he or she must make sacrifices and become responsible for "getting involved" in the problem. Often a hero will deny and question the calling and ultimately, in The Initiation, will accept responsibility.

Being Knighted

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Emily Dickinson Initiation, "Will there Really be a Morning?"

“Will there Really be a Morning” by Emily Dickinson has a lot to do with initiation. One example would be that, she starts to question the morning itself. “Is there such a thing as ‘Day’” she asks. She is starting to think about the everyday things that we all take for granted, therefore initiating herself to a higher level of awareness. Another example would be near the end where Ms. Dickinson begins to take responsibility of what or where this, “Morning” is. She first questions a scholar then a sailor followed by a wise man but to no avail. In this way she has not initiated, as she is not willing to say that perhaps we won’t find out. Or that she should hold on to this question until the time comes that she will receive the answer. “Will there Really be a Morning” shows just how initiation can be projected.

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