
This situation refers to a moment, usually psychological, in which an individual comes into maturity. He or she gains a new awareness into the nature of circumstances and problems and understands his or her responsibility for trying to resolve the dilemma. Typically, a hero receives a Calling, a message or signal that he or she must make sacrifices and become responsible for "getting involved" in the problem. Often a hero will deny and question the calling and ultimately, in The Initiation, will accept responsibility.

Being Knighted

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Initiation in My Own Life

I have experienced a lot over the past four years of my life and in just starting the fifth, I’ve begun to recognize and appreciate a lot of things about myself. I realize and I appreciate that I’m passionate, caring and loyal. These are all good qualities that I would like to share with other people that have these same qualities. I can’t choose between the three qualities that I listed, because they are all equally admirable traits and I appreciate having all of them. I appreciate every time I feel an emotion toward something. I love it when I let go a big booming laugh and everyone looks at me with an expression that says, “Like what is so funny?” It is exhilarating to feel the vibrations in your chest and to know that you are alive and are experiencing the moment. The two other emotions that I identify are confusion and sadness. Although they might not be the most satisfying emotions in the world, it is still good to feel them, because they are heartfelt. I’ve evolved and matured from the years that I once thought I had to wear make-up and be someone I’m not. I am now a freshman in high school and over that summer I realized that I’m pretty the way I am and that my personality is fine. If people can’t accept me as I am, too bad, they’ve missed out. I realize now that if people don’t like me because of what I wear, say, do or look, then those people don’t matter. I appreciate who I am, with or without make up and definitely appreciate myself more when being myself and not the person others want me to be.

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